Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ralph & Norma in the garden, 6/12/09

This photo was taken this past weekend. Going to the garden is a focal point of most days. The lettuce crop is so beautiful. We ate fresh lettuce for every meal and gave large bags to Meals on Wheels and several neighbors. And there's more! Huge, healthy leaves of spinach, black-seeded simpson, arugula and buttercrunch. No insects, yet. The peas are starting to ripen, and so are the beets. Kohlrabi gets eaten before we even leave the garden. Emily has a small flower garden and it's full of zinnia, poppies, morning glory, cosmos, snapdradon, and other annuals.

My mom finished her 4th round of chemo-therapy today. She continues to feel really good. She's gets a little tired, and sometimes nautious after treatment. In the next few weeks, Dr. Laufman will decide if a 5th treatment is needed.

My mom continues to receive the kindest cards from you all. She loves receiving them. Know that your thoughts and prayers carry her through each and every day.

Thank you.
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Ralph, out standing in his field

Here's Ralph at the community garden in Granville, Ohio. My mom and dad really enjoy their time in the garden. My dad is especially pleased with his sweet corn crop. He visits the garden at least three times a day. It's a short walk from their condo.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Dublin, OH reunion

My mom and dad recently joined long-time friends from Illinois at a golf tournament in Dublin, OH. They spent the weekend watching golf, dining at some terrific restaurants, visiting by the pool and shopping.

Pictured in the front: Jim, Norma, Andi
In back: Ralph, Dixie, Vickie

You're always hearing from me, so this time, I'm including comments from Dixie and Vicky.

From Dixie: I was thrilled to see your mom at dad in Ohio this past week. We (her friends in Illinois) have been so worried, but seeing your mom looking so well and sensing her strength as we talked gave renewed hope. She and your dad are inspirations.

I had assumed Norma might tire easily, and since I was recovering from a fractured knee and was wearing a leg brace, I thought my slower speed would match Norma's. I was so wrong! As I couldn't keep up with her, she kindly adjusted her pace to match mine. We enjoyed short shopping excursions, pleasant dinners and plenty of time chatting and relaxing by the pool. All of these were things we have done many times in the past, but this time the memories will be even more special because they were highlighted by hope.

From Vickie:I had such a great time and really got to relax on this golf trip. I loved spending time with Norma and Ralph and feel so much better that I got to see them.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Life can only be understood backwards.
It must be lived foarwards.

-- Soren Kierkegaard

This quote seemed fitting to me today. There are days when too many un-answerable questions enter my mind. Big questions. This little quote brings me back to the present. My mom likes it too.

Norma was scheduled to have chemo round 4 this week, but her white blood count was too low. Maybe next week. She was fine about it because it meant she got to play bridge with her buddies and attend grandson Paul's event at school without being nauseous and tired.

Thanks everybody for continuing to send cards and letters to my mom. They brighten her days. And her and my dad enjoy the gift of a meal from time to time; such a nice treat for them. There's nothing like a home-cooked dinner. They are truly grateful for each and every one.